
The Chicago Botanic Garden is excited to offer a variety of opportunities for people to engage in research in the fields of plant biology and conservation. Learn more about each program and how they provide the opportunity to help address the current issues facing our planet such as the impacts of climate change, fragmentation, restoration and other conservation topics. 

Opportunities vary throughout the year and some have specific requirements to participate.  

Summer REU: Genes to Ecosystems

Education Level: Undergraduate
Term: Summer
Length: 10 weeks
Compensation: Paid
Applications: Closed for Summer 2025

The Chicago Botanic Garden hosts a full-time ten week (mid-June to mid-August) research experiences for undergraduates (REU) program. This program provides research training to undergraduates on a range of topics in plant biology and conservation (PBC), spanning genetic to ecosystem levels of inquiry. One key goal of this program is to broaden and support diversity in the sciences, particularly by increasing the participation of groups underrepresented in STEM.

We provide budding scientists opportunities to grow personally and professionally through:

  • Professional-development workshops
  • Field trips to local partner research institutions
  • Participation in a near peer mentorship network (Science Career Continuum)
  • Training in scientific communication
  • Presentations at local research symposia

Click here to learn more about this opportunity. 

Year-round Research Opportunities

Education Level: High School - Undergraduate
Term: Year-round
Length: Variable
Compensation: Unpaid

The Science and Conservation Department at the Chicago Botanic Garden invites students aged 16 and older to gain hands-on experience in plant biology and conservation research.

If you're interested in working with us, please email Dr. Sarah Jones (sjones@chicagobotanic.org) with the following:

  • A brief explanation of your interest in working with us and any relevant experience and background you might have. If you have a resume, please include it. 
  • Your availability, including potential start and end dates, and the number of hours per week you would like to work

Please note that most opportunities are available during the Monday–Friday work week.

While we are unable to offer paid positions, undergraduate students are encouraged to explore funding or course credit options through their home institutions. For example, many universities offer undergraduate research grants, and we are happy to collaborate with your school to meet the requirements for these opportunities.

The Echinacea Project

Education Level: High School and Above
Term: Variable
Length: Variable
Compensation: Variable

The Echinacea research project offers paid and unpaid opportunities for students and teachers to gain research skills at their field site in western Minnesota or in their lab at Chicago Botanic Garden. Learn more here.

Internships for Early Career Land Managers and Conservation Scientists

Education Level: NA
Term: Variable
Length: Variable (Seasonal)
Compensation: Paid

The Stewardship and Ecology of Natural Areas (SENA) and Conservation Land Management (CLM) Internship Programs provide full time seasonal positions for individuals interested in exploring and/or advancing their careers in natural areas stewardship and management, conservation science, and related fields. They are generally best suited to recent graduates or early career professionals.